/Bernie Delaney

About Bernie Delaney

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So far Bernie Delaney has created 30 blog entries.

Party wear: The Jump suit

My next few blogs will feature some options for the party season that is fast approaching.. Work parties, luncheons, evenings out, and family gatherings etc usually cause a little bit of stress, and often probes the question "what will I wear? Not everybody fancies getting dressed up in sparkle and glitz. There are endless choices available [...]

2019-11-02T10:45:43+00:00November 2nd, 2019|Fashion|

Mind matters, Finding inner peace(4) Life’s’ challenges that present as obstacles

Most of us have experienced challenges throughout our lives. That's just a fact of life. I appreciate some have had more than their share. I like to reflect on those challenges/obstacles from time to time. In doing so I can identify the learning that was present for me. Needless to say when one obstacle appears directly [...]

2019-10-30T11:06:13+00:00October 30th, 2019|Mind matters|

The Camel Coat- Wardrobe basics

The perfect Camel Coat, A wardrobe staple I’ve been asked on numerous occasions about what items I would recommend for a Capsule Winter wardrobe. In my opinion the 'Camel Coat' is one of those must have pieces. Particularly so due to its versatility. The Camel Coat can be found in various shades from a very pale [...]

2019-10-27T15:40:54+00:00October 27th, 2019|Mind matters|

Mind matters (3) Letting go of the past

In order to gain inner peace we must live in the present moment. All too often we are burdened with thoughts and experiences from our past. I have no doubt that you, like me have often heard it said "the past is gone, the future hasn't arrived, so the only time available to us is the [...]

2019-10-18T19:20:51+00:00October 19th, 2019|Mind matters|

The Colour Green

Pistachio green features very heavily this Autumn Winter. The major fashion runways had evidence of green in lots of clothing and accessories. Green has always been synonymous with Ireland, and many of you will be aware that rivers, buildings, towers, bridges etc are illuminated or dyed to mark St Patricks day (Ireland's patron saint) throughout the [...]

2019-10-14T07:26:23+00:00October 14th, 2019|Fashion|

Mind Matters(2) Embracing silence

Finding inner peace and contentment(2) Embracing silence: People either love silence or feel very uncomfortable in its presence. Have you ever experienced discomfort when you found yourself among a crowd or with an individual and conversation had ceased? I personally am not usually stuck for words, however I have experienced that uncomfortable feeling while in company [...]

2019-10-06T21:00:59+00:00October 9th, 2019|Mind matters|