We all love a bargain, But how do we decipher whether something is a bargain or not? If you do like the buzz and have no issue with crowds then why not hit the high street to see whats on offer. There are some stores that mark items down up to 50% initially which is fantastic. Some gradually reduce the sale price over the month of January. Needless to say if there is an item that you really want, you will need to make the trip to the shop early in the sales as common sizes sell faster and key items will be snapped up early.
I do recommend purchasing staple items in the sales if you are in need of them, such as Winter boots, Winter coat, cashmere, well fitted branded jeans, etc. These items will serve you well if you buy wisely. Try to do some research on line about various items and discounts offered before venturing to the shops. Agree a maximum spend before you go out as this minimises your risk of over indulging. Be careful that you aren’t clocking up unnecessary debt on your credit card, no discounted item is worth that. If you have a habit of impulse buying then, perhaps photograph my list below and have it at hand whenever you are about to make a purchase. Obviously I don’t want to take the fun out of shopping or indeed the thrill of grabbing that amazing bargain I know all too well how that feels. What I do want to emphasise is that you make an informed decision about a garment you love and that you won’t have any of the guilt associated with spending when you get home. Here are a few questions to help you make informed decisions about the item you are about to purchase.
Was the item on your wish list?
Would you have paid full price for it?
Will it be a good addition to your wardrobe?
Do you have another item that is very similar already?
Is the colour right for you?
Will it go with at least three other garments in your wardrobe?
Will you get lots of wear out of it?
Is it in season?
Is it a high fashion item that will be outdated in 6-12 months?
Is it a classic piece that will last a few years?
Is it special occasion wear or every day wear?
Can it be laundered or does it require specialist cleaning?
Are there are any flaws, or visible damage?
Do you love the item?
Have you tried the item on and do you feel great in it?
Is it within your budget?
If you struggle with shopping, why not enlist the help of a style coach to assist you make those all important purchases. Should you require further details email me at info@berniedelaneystyling.ie,
Happy shopping,